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Event Speaker

Robert Ivie

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Title & Affiliation
American Studies & Communication and Culture Indiana University

Robert Ivie is Professor of American Studies and Communication & Culture at Indiana University, Bloomington. He also holds the title of Honorary Professor in Rhetoric at the University of Copenhagen. His work examines issues of civic communication and public culture through the lens of rhetorical theory. He is especially concerned with questions of democracy and war. His two most recent books are Democracy and America’s War on Terror, and Dissent from War. He has served as editor of Western Journal of Communication, Quarterly Journal of Speech, and Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies. He is a member of the editorial boards of Presidential Studies Quarterly, Javnost—The Public, and Rhetoric & Public Affairs. Professor Ivie teaches undergraduate courses on political communication, war propaganda, democratic dissent, and peacebuilding communication, and graduate courses on rhetorical theory, rhetorical critique, democratic discourse, and war rhetoric.