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Event Speaker

Mark Wyatt

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Title & Affiliation
Executive Director Iowa Bicycle Coalition

Mark Wyatt has worked as the Executive Director of the Iowa Bicycle Coalition since 2006 and was a founding member of the organization. He has recently been working in Seattle with a number of advocacy groups including the Thunderhead Alliance for Bicycles and Walking (for which he is a board member), America Bikes, T 4 America and Complete Streets Coalition, regarding the Transportation Reauthorization Bill. He has a 5-mile commute by bicycle. In addition, Mr. Wyatt is a Category 5 racer and has completed Iowa’s nationally renowned RAGBRAI ride 7 times. He is a certified cycling safety instructor, a safe routes to school national course instructor and a paramedic in Iowa City. Mr. Wyatt attended Kirkwood Community College and the University of Iowa and currently resides in North Liberty.