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Gould Presents at TEDxQuincyStudio, "Your Backstage Pass"


David Gould, visiting associate professor, presented his talk "Your Backstage Pass" at the TEDxQuincyStudio on his UI course "Life Design" and how he inspires his students. The course curriculum is designed to challenge students and assist them in creating a plan for their lives that is aspirational and achievable. In his talk, he uses these course concepts to spark curiosity and help align your life with your life goals.

The theme for the TEDxQuincyStudio presentation was "Building Blocks," representing how knowledge, passion, and creativity build momentum for the future. 10 speakers, including Gould, from around the world were featured in the program and spoke on various topic blocks including Arts in Action, Science for Life, Inspiration + Goals, Philosophy + Insight, and Building a Better World. 

Find Gould's full talk on YouTube here.