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Gould Offers Public Course on Life


David Gould, visiting associate professor at the Public Policy Center will offer an alumni and public version of his popular Life Design course, which helps students discover what they are innately drawn to do.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Gould has heard from over a hundred former students, both recent graduates and up to 20+ year alumni, who were panicked about what the future held for them in the face of the pandemic. “I stopped counting, but it was upward of 150 or 160 when I stopped counting,” he said, noting the connections shared a theme. “They were looking at their options. They were looking at people that could help them brainstorm what they should do.”

Drawing on the model of how families respond to times of adversity, Gould decided to expand his course to include the "Hawkeye family." The course will consist of four virtual meetings featuring different speakers and "little magic wrinkles." The course is free and open to the public, and requires advance registration. To read a full article in the Gazette, click here.

Course schedule and speakers are as follows. Click on individual links to register.

Wednesday, January 6 at 4:30pm
Andy Still, Senior Program Officer of Entrepreneurship at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation - "The Dreaming Place/Basic Goods"

Wednesday, January 13 at 4:30pm
Kathy Eldon, Author, Filmmaker and Co-Founder of Creative Visions Foundation - "Tell Me a Story/The Art of Storytelling"

Wendesday, January 20 at 4:30pm
Dan Gable, former Iowa Wrestling Coach - "A Horse with Blinders"

Wednesday, January 27 at 4:30pm
Dan Lerner, NYU Professor - "In the End"